
She Volunteers, Fundraises & Takes on Beauty One Client at A Time! Meet Manuela Davis, Owner of Voilà Salon

Q: Can you share with our audience, how your journey in life brought you to Atlanta?MD: When I first came to the United States at age 20, I was fortunate to travel all over the United States. After a brief stay in Illinois, I visited Atlanta and fell in love with the Southern Charm. The People and the friendly Climate made the decision easy to relocate to this beautiful city I have called home since 1988.Q: Why did you decide to go to cosmetology school?  ..


Attorney Shilpa Jadwani, Focused on Superior Results & Personal Service

Q: When did you know you wanted to pursue a career in the legal field?SJ: I was in fact very young when I realized that I wanted to pursue a career in Law. However, after college I had some doubts and took a year off before law school to work at various law firms and organizations to ensure that a career in the legal field was still what I wanted to pursue. My intention was solidified after working at the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office. I worked in their..


An Atlanta Tradition of Giving Life to Your Dreams! A Conversation with Real Estate Agent, Tori Hughes

Q: After you graduated with a master’s in accounting from the University of Tennessee … what led you to relocate to Atlanta and pursue Real Estate as a career?TH: After graduation, I moved to Atlanta to start a career in accounting at Ernst & Young and later worked at Morgan Stanley in the Real Estate Fund Accounting Group. After taking time away from work to stay home with our young children, Cate and Connor, I was ready to reenter the workforce. I am t..


A Union of Compassion + Healthcare for You & Your Family. A Conversation with Dr. Bhavisha Patel, O.D.

Q: After high school, did you have an idea of what your career path might be? BP: I had an idea that I wanted to be in the healthcare field but did not know exactly which career path to pursue. Eventually, I had the opportunity to intern at different medical offices during my undergraduate years, which helped me decide Optometry was for me. Q: Why did you choose to be an Optometrist? BP: Obp: OBP: Optometry is such a rewarding career. I love being a part o..


When Experience, Expertise, Success & Dedication Matters, Meet Atlanta Attorney Sarah Stottlemyer

Q: When did you know you wanted to pursue a career in the legal field?SS: I knew in Kindergarten that I wanted to be an Attorney so I could help people. My Dad was an attorney in the 60’s and practiced Civil Rights law, so I was taught at a young age the importance of being a voice for those that did not have one.Q: How long have you practiced law?SS:15 yearsQ: What type of cases do you generally handle? SS: I personally only handle workers’ compensation c..


Passionately Working for the Results You Deserve; Meet Atlanta Attorney Attorney Ecleynne Mercy

Q: When did you know you would pursue a career in the legal field?EM: When I was five years old. At my kindergarten graduation, everyone was asked what they wanted to do… kids said doctor, teacher, mailman etc. I didn’t see the option that I wanted. I tossed and turned the night before graduation and then I figured it out. I scribbled something on a purple construction paper… kid-like hieroglyphics and I practiced the statement that I learned from Primetim..


Response, Reliability & Results Fighting for Your Legal Rights, Meet Attorney Mia Frieder

Q: Why did you choose to become a lawyer?MF: I really enjoy helping people. As a plaintiff’s lawyer, I represent individuals and families, not companies. One of the privileges of my profession is that I get the opportunity, not only to meet different people, but to learn about them. In order to represent someone in an adversary proceeding like a trial, you have to know about your clients. So, I get the opportunity to be drawn into their lives. It’s a ..


A Law Firm that is Client Driven with Proven Results Meet Atlanta Attorney Anita Lamar She Makes it Right When You’ve Been Wronged

Q: When did you know you wanted to pursue a career in the legal field?AL: As early as elementary school I had an interest in being a lawyer. In high school, I debated and did well. I later received a debate scholarship to attend college. After I graduated from college, I worked for a small law practice. My experiences as a debater and working at a law firm solidified my desire to practice law.Q: What expectations did you have after graduating and recei..


Putting Her Imagination to Work with Understanding & Commitment Meet, Atlanta Attorney, Johnetta G. Paye, Esq.

Q: How old were you when you knew you wanted to pursue a career in the legal field? JP: I was about 8 or 9 years old. Initially, I wanted to be an actress. I was going to be the next Whoopi Goldberg. I grew up in an immigrant household so being an actress was frowned upon. I was encouraged to become a doctor, lawyer, or something that my African parents considered sensible. Then I thought about what could I do to support people in the arts. I decided to be..


Dedicated to Your Health & Well-Being Meet NaPortia Mitchell, Dr. of Physical Therapy

Q: When did you realize, your career path would be in Healthcare?NM: As a kid, I was always involved in athletics and naturally wanted to have a “job” that would allow me to enjoy sports. With the help of my mom, I found the perfect career path for myself. I have literally wanted to be a physical therapist since 7th grade. Interesting enough, every job I had was aligned with my ultimate goal of becoming a Doctor of Physical Therapy. Q: What expectations di..


A personalized Approach to your Well-Being, Feel better, Move Better, Be Better Meet Chryston Fadeyi, Dr. of Physical Therapy

Q: How old were you when you knew you wanted to pursue a career in Healthcare?CF: Gosh I can’t even remember it has been so long … as old as I can remember. Originally I wanted to be a veterinarian at like 5 years old till my freshman year in high school then I was introduced to PT/OT (I was in a magnet health program that introduced various health career fields) and I fell in love and stuck with this path since.Q: Did you consider going to another Univers..


Enjoying the Sweet Life, Meet Kupcakerie Co-Owner Kascha Adeleye

Q: I understand it all started when you baked your first cupcake without help from any ready-made box from a grocery store. Can you share with us, what encouraged you to begin baking from scratch?KA: My first passion is for teaching, which naturally makes me a nerd with a weird love for science. I was curious to see what would happen as I used different ingredients. An extra ¼ tsp of salt or baking soda makes a HUGE difference. This need to explore and ex..


With a Track Record That Speaks for Itself, Meet Atlanta Real Estate Agent, Lorraine Beato, Delivering Results, You Deserve!

Q: Share with us why you chose Real Estate as a career.LB: I would say that real estate chose me. I started as a college intern working on the mortgaged backed trading floor for Merrill Lynch. I will never forget my first day at Merrill Lynch when my boss sat me down to explain “the birth of a Ginnie Mae”. Little did I know that would lead me into a lifelong career in real estate. I’ve always been fascinated by the old historic castles, palaces and mon..


Law, Justice & Results, Building on a Tradition of Success Meet Atlanta Attorney, Lyle Griffin Warshauer

Q: How old were you when you knew you wanted to pursue a career in the legal field? LGW: 18 years old, when I was a freshman in college. I thought I wanted to be a doctor and was in the pre-med program; but I took a Constitutional Law class as an elective on a whim and I instantly fell in love with the law. I changed my major to political science, with a minor in history – the quintessential pre-law scenario! By the time I graduated I was pretty sure th..


Setting the Standard for Fairness & Equity in the Criminal Justice System, Meet Community Engagement & Movement Building Counsel for the Southern Center for Human Rights, Tiffany Williams Roberts

Q: What led to your decision to pursue a career in the nonprofit sector?TWR: I was raised by a community organizer and was always taught that service to community was a part of life. I chose to become a community lawyer after attending law school and falling in love with both public defense and social justice activism. As a public defender, I yearned to do more for my clients than represent them in the courtroom. My friends and I co-founded a small commun..


Working for Equality, Justice & Dignity in our Criminal Justice System Meet Southern Center for Human Rights, Executive Director Sara J. Totonchi

Q: What is your SCHR about and what do you all do?ST: The Southern Center for Human Rights (SCHR) is working for equality, justice, and dignity in our criminal legal system. Our mission is to end capital punishment, mass incarceration, and other practices that are used to control the lives of poor people, people of color, and other marginalized groups in the Deep South. We do this through death penalty representation, impact litigation, policy advocacy, an..