
Representing the Citizens of District 10 as an Established Community Leader, Meet Atlanta City Councilmember, Andrea L. Boone

Q: What advice do you have for young women who want to pursue a career in politics?AB: Get involved. Make your voice heard. Whether it is at a neighborhood meeting, a zoning board hearing, a school board meeting, volunteering for a candidate or organization that is advocating for an issue you care about, join in. You will meet people who inspire you and from whom you can learn. You will gain knowledge and experience. And don’t ever compromise your integrit..


Believing in Her Dream & Herself, Meet Niesha Butler, Basketball Player, Actress & CEO of ScrapSports

Q: How old were you when you developed an interest in Basketball?NB: I was 9 years old.  My dad taught me.Q: You put up some amazing numbers in your high-school days … do you still hold records for points scored?NB: Yes, I do still hold the record for NYC men and women. (the men’s #1 changed though since I broke it, not Kenny Anderson anymore). Q: Tell us where life took you after you graduated from high school.NB: LOL A lot of places.  I lived overseas wh..