With Practical Wisdom & Trusted Advice, She Will Help You Resolve Your Legal Matter the Best Way Possible with Unbelievable Client Service. Meet Atlanta Attorney Kristal Holmes

6f1e151480218fa5ff80f2bfd4102b3e.jpgQ: At age 16, what did you think your career path might be? 
I always knew I would become some sort of professional. The father of one of my childhood friends is an attorney and as kids we would visit his office. I was always intrigued by his job. I remember as a young child researching in our family’s encyclopedia what an attorney is and the importance of attorneys in our society. However, at age 16 I truly enjoyed science and I thought that I would become a doctor. I entered college majoring in biology with plans to become a medical doctor. I quickly realized that I wanted to become a lawyer instead and I changed my major and focused on becoming a lawyer.  

Q: What was your first job? How did it shape or impact you?
I was a babysitter. I often had to care for more than one child at a time, which was quite the challenge for a teenager! Each child had different needs. Babysitting taught me responsibility, organization, and how to be attentive to the individual needs of others.  

Q: What expectations did you have after graduating and receiving your law degree?

After finishing law school, I had dreams of owning my own law practice. I saw myself as a small town general practitioner. I did have my own firm for several years and that experience really helped to shape me into the attorney that I am today. 

Q: What type of cases do you generally handle?

Currently, I handle mostly family law cases including divorce, custody, child support, and modification issues. However, I also handle criminal and traffic defense cases.  

Q: How you manage your work life balance?
It can be challenging at times. You have to make a conscious decision each day to take time out for yourself and your family. I have learned that one must set boundaries. If I take time off from work, then I use that time strictly for myself and my family. Additionally, it is every important for me to be a present parent. I try my best to manage my schedule so that I can be present for my child’s activities and needs. Having a supportive employer or even owning your own business helps with achieving a work life balance that meets that individual’s needs.   

Q: What advice would you give to young women who want to pursue a career as an Attorney? 
Being a lawyer is one of the few jobs where you can literally be at work or thinking about work for the vast majority of your day. It is important to set boundaries and take time for yourself to prevent burnout. I would also encourage young women to be as authentic as possible. I believe that one cannot truly succeed unless they are authentic. Use your personality to achieve your goals. Don’t try to imitate or emulate someone else. Find your own lane and soar!  

Q: What’s one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience?
It is okay to make mistakes. I have learned more from the mistakes or losses than I have from the wins. Although no one wants to make mistakes, especially in the legal profession, if one really wants to make progress in their career, they have to learn from those mistakes and use mistakes as tools to improve.

Q: Which woman inspires you and why? 
I am inspired by any woman who lives life in her own authentic way. I love to read stories about women who have created their own career or business.  

Q: What are some of the challenges you feel women face today?
As challenging as this career can be, women have made great strides in the profession and I am pleased to see more progress towards employers supporting females who are moms by providing flexible schedules and even childcare at the office. But there is still work to be done in supporting women who chose to be parents.

Four Things About Kristal Holmes

1. Favorite city?  
Sydney, Australia

2. What’s the best advice anyone’s given you?   
Don’t let fear keep you from moving forward. Take action amid fear. By the time the fear subsides, it may be too late to do or say what you were planning. Fear often signals that the window of opportunity has opened in from of you.  

3. What app can’t you live without?
Honestly, Instagram. I love photos. I love vivid colors. I love to peek into the lives of others across the world. It helps me stay connected what is current in the world an it is a source for inspiration.  

4. How do you release stress?  
Exercise is extremely important in keeping me fit and focused. It does wonders for me both physically and mentally. Also, I love to create art. I paint and I create jewelry for my jewelry line Honor Sophia Jewelry. 


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