Meet Kendra Brown, An Experienced Residential Real Estate Agent with a Passion and Motivation to Service Buyers & Sellers!

d6e176cc4887d77999e226d0fc4d8155.jpgQ: Share with us why you chose Real Estate as a career.
KB: I have a natural passion for beautiful architecture, home development and interior design which stemmed from my from love of fashion from a very young age. I knew that I would work in the industry in some capacity, but it wasn’t until I decided to prepare myself for entrepreneurship that it clicked and just made sense to me to follow my passion with something that I genuinely love. As I traveled more, I found myself enamored with the different home architecture and design everywhere I went and sought out to learn as much as I can about the business from all sides. The Real Estate business allows me the opportunity to work with so many different people and professions where we are in some way helping each other and enjoying the process along the way.

Q: What do you tell potential buyers who are comparing Buying Vs. Renting? What are some of the Pros and Cons?
KB: I speak to potential buyers from a place of understanding their lifestyle to determine if buying a home will be a better fit for them. Also, I look to educate and inform the potential buyer about the home buying process. Homeownership is important for many reasons and is one of the more efficient ways to obtain wealth by building equity as well as a safety net for families. Renting is great for the landlord which increases the rent rates year after year. Some of the Pros and Cons of Renting is there is no maintenance, no property tax but at the same time you have lease deadlines and no equity. Buying affords you the opportunity to make the home yours without permission, build equity, not payment hikes but the flip side is money will be required to put down on a home and maintenance responsibility. I usually help to prepare first time home buyers for the shift in thought process from a renter to home owner. 

Q: What is the current home buying trend? Are boomers downsizing? What types of homes are the Millennials buying?
KB: Currently the inventory gains have been very low, and the buyer demand has been high. We’re hoping to see a turn in the market but we’re seeing a steady tight market for inventory. This creates multiple offer situations in some markets which can price some new home buyers out. But as the number of homes for sale increase it could mean an improvement for buyers as well.  

There is an increase in boomers that are downsizing from the large suburban homes to less maintenance required condos and townhomes in the city. Many have adult children that have gone off to school or their lifestyle demands a change that excite them to downsize.

Millennials are opting for condos in the city. People want to get out of the traffic commuting in their cars to and from work for hours on end and opt to live closer to employment which in some situations they have the ability to work remotely with access to coffee shops and virtual tech spaces as needed. The condo lifestyle is also close to most universities and have the amenities that attract the millennial home buyer.

Q: Do you typically represent buyers or sellers?
KB: I love working with Buyers which can include first time, experienced, millennial, empty nesters, and business professionals.  

Q: Do you specialize in certain types of properties?
KB: I specialize in the Condominium and Townhouse residential markets where most buyers want to live, work, and play closer into the city of Atlanta.

Q: What can a potential buyer expect from you in the buying process?
KB: I have a genuine passion for serving Buyers and Sellers with their home buying needs and understand that each client is different which is where I tailor my approach to assist each one by listening to their specific needs and wants. Being a true advocate for my clients I am motivated and determined to make the entire home buying/selling process as seamless as possible.   

Q: How has technology and social media changed the way you do business?
KB: Before I started thinking about the direction of my business, I was very private on social media. However, in 2019 social media plays a huge part in how we market ourselves and our businesses. For me this meant I have to be intentional with my posts and put forth more effort to engage with my audience so people can see my business and the work that I do. Everything is so technology driven, and phones are attached to hands these days I find it more convenient and even requested to “text” clients with updates or to respond to questions throughout the day. Usually I can get a quicker response via text as some emails can get lost in the inbox. Of course, a quick phone call always takes precedence and is generally appreciated the most by my clients. 

Q: Any real estate predictions for the next couple of years?
KB: I predict continued growth in the market especially in the city of Atlanta. I believe homeownership will be determined by the mortgage rates which could drive up home costs. A growing housing market, employment base as new corporate companies base here plus the economy could keep Georgia on the incline in growth into 2020.  

Q: Which woman inspires you and why?
KB: There is more than one; My Grandmother is the woman who raised 7 children and 2 grandkids including me. She instilled my most treasured values as a young child that have remained with me throughout my life. Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Sheryl Sandberg are all women who embody the empowerment of women and have each overcome life’s challenges, makes their voices heard for the betterment of all people on important issues and continues to give back through support of various causes.   

Q: What are some of the challenges you feel women face today?
KB: I think women in real estate face some of the same challenges as women in other professions. When you are working and taking care of family, it is always a challenge to create proper balance. Due to long hours, late nights and weekend work required in our industry it can create a unique set of challenges. We are already aware of the imbalance with salaries in certain industries but having more women in leadership and executive roles can help to turn the statistics around to a more even field.  

Q: What advice would you give to young women who want to succeed in the workplace?
KB: I would tell them to do what you love, and success will follow. I would also encourage them to get a mentor in the profession of your passion to help provide guidance and advice. This was one of the best decisions for me and my mentor has challenged me in ways that has enabled me to grow personally as well as in my business. 

Q: What would you say is your greatest professional accomplishment thus far?
KB: For me that would be the humble feeling I get when my clients receive the keys to their new homes. Not all scenarios are the same and each one has presented different circumstances but ultimately helping my clients achieve something of great importance them.

Also, I was inducted as 2019 Secretary of Women’s Council of Realtors Atlanta and this has truly been a life changing experience with the comradery of women that promote leadership on so many levels.   

Q: What are some of your favorite interests and hobbies that you enjoy?
KB: I love traveling near the ocean whenever I get the opportunity to get away, even if just for a couple of days. Visiting art galleries, food and music festivals, and a good dinner and movie are a few of the things I enjoy. I have recently added Yoga to my fitness regimen of kickboxing and swimming. Spending time with my family and 2 dogs (Prince and Honey) is the best wind down from a busy week.

Q: What is one thing you would change about Atlanta?
KB: Nothing at all, I love the city of Atlanta and all the culture and history that lives here. This city is eclectic and growing in so many ways with something to offer for everyone.

Five Things About Kendra Brown

1. If you could talk to one famous person past or present, who would it be and why?
Coretta Scott King. Often it is the name of Martin Luther King that resonates with most people. I believe Coretta Scott King was the powerful force behind her husband and family that was a leader and created her own legacy in the movement to end injustice.

2. What place you always dreamed about visiting? 
South Africa and Greece

3. What inspires you? 
Kindness and genuinely wanting to help and be of service to others in the community. Being a good example to my family and other young women by holding a high level of self-respect as well as respect for others by demonstrating pride and integrity in everything I do.

4. Do you have a favorite quotation?
Yes. “Success isn’t about how much money you make, it’s about the difference you make in people’s lives”-Michelle Obama

5. What’s your favorite part of the day?
Morning, each day I am blessed to wake up and see another day it is a chance to do better than I did the day before.


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